Sorry for the late post I got lazy, but i'll try to make it up. I said try btw. This is an OFFICIAL review of sports, because i'm super official. Also, I need to stop writing in lists. I will write paragraphs instead of lists. *dab* STartING NExT POST!!!!*dabs again*. Anywayz, LeT'S GeT On! 1) Cheese Rolling: You literally roll cheese and people chase after it. A lot of people get hurt. Duhh. This event usually takes place at Cooper's Hill, Gloucester, UK. Honestly, it's a cringe, wtf, bruh, how does that even happen type of sport. The hill is pretty steep and when people run down to try and be first they usually do a bunch of front flips and stupid stuff. This one guy literally had his whole knee scraped from running down a hill. Bruh. 2) Extreme Ironing: AGAIN Weird, but obviously because this post is called "Weird Sports". Basically, you take your ironing boards to stupid places, for example on top of a cliff, and start to iron clothes on there. Stu...
what a flex!