As I continue on with my high school career, I've realized the things that I want to remember will most likely be forgotten. The fun times I spent with friends and the memories that were made are what I want to look back on and smile upon. Obviously, if you've seen the posts from this blog (or the other one), it's just me messing around, but in those posts, there was almost always a memory that it was based on. I don't plan to write with the utmost perfection with the pinnacle of writing, but I just want to write about moments that matter to me and get better at writing in the process. I plan to write about experiences in my life or things that are riveting, so I can't promise a set schedule for posting. However, I can guarantee that I will try my best to find things to write about. My goal is about 3 posts per month and maybe even more in the summer, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Thanks for reading my (new) intro, hope you'll enjoy it. :...